Toodyay Agricultural Society
By Alison Wroth – Chief Steward
HALFWAY through the year and our new committee members are either both overwhelmed and inspired with understanding what it takes to pull a historical Agricultural Show of this standard together; or hopefully just enjoying being involved in the “Show” at last.
At present, we have many activities on the boil including the maintenance of the show bar building and organisation of the 170th Toodyay Show “Dance Through the Decades” at the Memorial Hall, being the main ones.

Regarding the latter, held every ten years, we owe it to the show dance to celebrate in style people and dress up to dance the night away while we acknowledge the history of the coming Toodyay Agricultural Show in October.
A connection to the show will be such links as food vans outside in Federation Square and lovely festoon lighting.
There will be many more surprises so make sure you purchase those tickets.
At least consider SAVE THE DATE 31st August 2024 for a night to remember with friends, drinks, and good music; something that we do not get the chance to see in the Memorial Hall often enough. Single $100 and $170 for a couple. Cocktail dress is the code and gourmet canapes are the menu of the night.
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