No money to fix patched up bridge
By Sean Hefferon
LAST month the Shire of Toodyay Council was to consider the approval of the reconstruction of bridge 4085, otherwise known as Slaughterhouse Bridge which is located on Toodyay West Road.
The timber bridge which was built in 1937 and spans Toodyay Brook is a single lane only 4.2 metres in width.
Unlike the Clackline Bridge also timber and built in 1935, the local bridge is not listed on the Heritage Council of Western Australia’s Register of Heritage Places.
The prospect of Bridge 4085 being rebuilt has been live since a 2021 report by Main Roads WA found “significant deterioration in the timber elements of the support structure of the bridge”.
In 2023 Main Roads advised the Shire of possible options to limit bridge loading and that design work had commenced to replace the bridge.