Guidelines for Writing
How to contribute articles about club activities, news, for
The Toodyay Herald
- All items should be emailed to
- All emails should include a contact name and phone number, preferably mobile.
- Articles and stories should be written in Microsoft Word and emailed as attachments – The Herald is unable to accept articles that are saved as PDFs. Please use as little formatting as possible when submitting your article.
- Please write the name of your club or organisation in the subject line, for example:
Toodyay Miniature Railway
- Every article should start with a byline and, if appropriate, position title, for example:
Toodyay Miniature Railway
June Eastwood, Secretary
- Articles should be no longer than 500-600 words – longer articles will most likely need to be cut to make room for other stories.
- Try to make your articles as interesting as possible for general readers and catch their attention by starting with the most important or colourful part of your story.
- If you need to include thank-yous, leave it to the end (like a movie) rather than start your article with with a long list of credits that may lose readers before they get to the main part of your story.
- Always start each sentence as a new paragraph because it’s easier to read in narrow newspaper columns and saves production time for sub-editors.
- For more information about writing articles, please see Toodyay Herald Style Guide.
- The monthly Tuesday deadline for articles and stories is printed at the bottom of Page 2 in each month’s Toodyay Herald.
- If an event occurs after the article/story deadline, you may be able to arrange late inclusion by calling The Herald as soon as you become aware of this. We may be able to cover events held on the weekend before publication if we are given notice and can leave space in the paper.
- The Herald is published on the first Thursday of each month (except January): when promoting future events, be sure it’s not out of date by the time the paper comes out.
- Accompanying photos should be at least 400KB file size (Internet and Facebook images usually too small to reproduce in print). If sending via smartphone, always select “largest file size”.
- Each photo should be emailed as a separate attached file, not embedded in a Word document or PDF.