Miner shatters Julimar residents’ dreams

By Michael Sinclair-Jones

DUST, noise and a massive open-cut mine planned next to their homes have dismayed a group of Julimar residents who say their bush lifestyle dreams have been destroyed.

The affected residents include artists and writers (pictured right) who say their properties have been ruined and lives permanently disrupted – with worse to come.

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Former WA Nationals Party leader backs Yes vote

Former State Opposition and ex-WA Nationals Leader Mia Davies joined about 100 supporters at a Toodyay ‘Yes’ vote rally for this month’s Voice Federal Referendum on Saturday October 14. “I see it as a positive for our nation, a moral obligation,” the Wheatbelt MP said. “It is about bringing people together, not creating division – it is a message of love.”

$50,000 for top Wagyl barrister

AUSTRALIA’S former top law officer has been hired to defend Toodyay real estate agent Tony Maddox (left) against a charge of allegedly breaching Aboriginal heritage law.

Mr Maddox has engaged former Federal Attorney-General Christian Porter to fight a charge that he allegedly damaged an Aboriginal heritage site by building an unauthorised vehicle crossing over Boyagerring Brook on his Nunile property.

The State says the waterway is the home of the Wagyl, an Aboriginal spiritual belief.

Mr Porter’s fees for a three-day Perth trial next year are expected to cost up to $50,000.

Mr Maddox said the State had allowed him to resume pumping bore water into the creek to form a small artificial lake on his property.

Embattled residents face Julimar moonscape

Chalice Mining’s worksite at 229 Keating Road where the company has announced plans to create a massive open-cut mine measuring nearly two kilometres across, 1.5km wide and more than half a kilometre deep on a scale similar the world-famous Kalgoorlie Superpit.

By concerned local residents*

IF YOU were to believe Chalice Mining’s marketing hype about its latest discovery of palladium in Julimar and its “world class”, “low impact” and “leading exploration techniques that recognise environmental sensitivities,” you could be forgiven for thinking it’s the next lean green cure for the state’s climate and cash-flow woes.

Until, that is, you ask the local residents like us who live on the doorstep of this planned behemoth.

Chalice Mining’s public relations strategy trumpets “community engagement” as one of its “top priorities”.

Well, we the residents beg to differ.

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*Names and addresses supplied.

Night noise to travel up to 20km

Chalice mine worker shuts gate at site of planned 2km-wide Julimar superpit.

Richard Wilkinson* (Retired sound engineer)

RECENT events have prompted me to readdress the anticipated noise disturbance and transport logistics of a proposed large open-cut mine in or near the Julimar Forest.

I wrote in The Herald last year that assuming a base noise level of 90 decibels – similar to that of a noisy motorcycle – the intrusive effect of a large open-cut mine in a quiet environment such as Julimar could be felt up to 20km away.

Even then, a light sleeper may have to close their bedroom windows year-round to get a good night’s rest.

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Six candidates vie for three council vacancies

THREE sitting councillors and a former shire deputy president are among six candidates contesting three seats at this month’s Toodyay Shire Council elections.

The former shire deputy president is Toodyay Race Club President John Prater.

The other candidates are Shire President Rosemary Madacsi, Shire Deputy President Beth Ruthven, Cr Susan Pearce and newcomers Ray Mills and Shelly Dival.

A postal ballot of all 3638 registered Toodyay electors opened on September 15.

The new council will meet soon after the poll closes on Saturday October 21 to hold a secret ballot in the council chamber to elect a shire president for the next two years.

The council agreed earlier this year reduce its size from nine to seven members.

Cr Phil Hart did not seek re-election to the smaller council.

Chalice shares crash as miner announces Julimar start date

By Michael Sinclair-Jones
CHALICE Mining shares crashed 30 per cent last month after the company revealed plans for a Julimar open-cut mine worth $18 billion to start production in six years’ time.

The shock market reaction caught the Perth miner by surprise but it hasn’t stopped plans to start processing up to 30 million tonnes of ore a year, starting in early 2029.

Chalice says local groundwater will not be used but has yet to announce how it will dispose of millions of litres of waste water contaminated by mineral processing.

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Whitewater drama at Extracts Weir

This year’s dry winter created havoc for power boats at Extracts Weir where low water levels turned the slippery rock wall into a formidable obstacle in last month’s 50th annual Avon Descent river race through Toodyay.

Vandals wreck Noongar cultural display at Redbank Pool

VANDALS have wrecked a local Noongar cultural interpretive display at Redbank Pool.

The site has historical significance as a traditional meeting place for local Ballardong and Yued families prior to colonial settlement.

It contains a bird hide with two large Gnulla Moort (Our Family) panels that describe how local Aboriginal people inhabited the area 200 years ago.

The damage was discovered early this month by Noongar Kaartdijin Aboriginal Corporation member Helen Shanks.

It appears that someone has used keys or a screwdriver to gouge through the descriptive artwork.

Toodyay police say they are investigating.

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Cr says budget fails ratepayers – doesn’t explain why

By Michael Sinclair-Jones
AN ACRIMONIOUS dispute erupted at the end of last month’s Toodyay Shire Council special meeting when members voted 6-1 to approve a seven per cent rate rise.

The increase aims to raise $7.6 million in ratepayer revenue this financial year.

Cr Mick McKeown (left) objected to the increase and other budget statements of account.

“In my opinion this budget does not adequately address the concerns of the ratepayers of Toodyay,” he said.

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