First earth turned at new pool site

WORK has begun on Toodyay’s new $13 million sport and recreation precinct after a 20-tonne excavator helped scoop the first shovel loads of earth for the town’s new 25-metre swimming pool.

About 30 people attended a ground-breaking ceremony led by local Federal Liberal MP and Attorney-General Christian Porter (centre), who last year announced a $4.7 million grant for the multi-sport project.

The project is also funded by Shire of Toodyay borrowings ($6.5 million) and grants and donations from the State Government ($1.79 million), local community ($117,000) and Toodyay and Districts Bendigo Community Bank ($100,000).

Local Labor MP Darren West (second left, above) said it would provide a community and sporting hub for 4500 local residents, and a fitness and social outlet for young people.

Special tribute was paid to Shire Community Development Officer Debra Andrijich (right) who wrote the successful funding applications and project co-ordinator Merridith Lamb (also pictured).


‘Winners and losers’ in 6-2 budget vote to increase rates

RATEPAYERS face an average increase of $50 in their annual rates bills after Toodyay shire councillors voted 6-2 last month to adopt a 2.5 per cent increase.

“There will be some winners and some losers,” shire audit committee chair Rob Welburn told a special council meeting.

The rates increase was moved by Cr Eric Twine, seconded by Shire Deputy President Therese Chitty and opposed by Crs Bill Manning and Ben Bell.

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New food and picnic trail to attract more tourists

Toodyay Chamber of Commerce and Industry

AFTER an opening speech by Toodyay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) President Deb Andrijich and background on the Trail development provided by member and event participant Anthea Brown, the Toodyay Food & Picnic Trail was officially launched on July 1 by local Labor MP Darren West.

Also in attendance were local Nationals WA MP Shane Love, several Toodyay shire councillors and 30 invited guests.

Thanks to the participating businesses for providing a delicious morning tea using all their local produce and Coorinja Winery for the seriously stunning venue.

The chamber also thanks Anthea Brown and Helen Shanks who have worked with the participants for several months to bring this exciting event to reality.

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Splashes of vibrant colour celebrate National Tidy Town win

Morangup artists Nicola Cowie (above left) and Katherine Ferguson with Toodyay’s first street mural which they completed last month on a new shire public toilet block in Charcoal Lane to mark Toodyay’s 2015 National Tidy Towns win. The Shire of Toodyay plans to install a nearby plaque to record the remarkable achievement by local Tidy Town volunteers (see Letters).

Duke Street footbridge set to reopen by November

TOODYAY’S Duke Street footbridge over the east-west freight railway line that bisects the town near the Alma Beard Medical Centre is expected to reopen by November.

The Toodyay Shire Council agreed last month to take over maintaining the bridge later this year after the State Government spends $145,000 on a safety upgrade and the shire contributes $56,000 for repairs.

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Shire CEO scores 2.5 per cent pay rise

By Michael Sinclair-Jones

TOODYAY Shire CEO Stan Scott has gone from losing his current job on July 22 to scoring a 2.5 per cent pay rise for another year after a secret council backflip in May.

Mr Scott will get a total of $243,000 in a new salary package, including payment of 14.5 per cent shire-funded superannuation.

Toodyay gets new community bus

TOODYAY is to get a new 12-seater community bus after shire councillors voted 6-0 (Cr Judy Dow declared an interest through a family member and left the chamber) to spend $54,500 on a new vehicle from Avon Valley Toyota in Northam.

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