Toodyay Chamber of Commerce and Industry
AFTER an opening speech by Toodyay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) President Deb Andrijich and background on the Trail development provided by member and event participant Anthea Brown, the Toodyay Food & Picnic Trail was officially launched on July 1 by local Labor MP Darren West.
Also in attendance were local Nationals WA MP Shane Love, several Toodyay shire councillors and 30 invited guests.
Thanks to the participating businesses for providing a delicious morning tea using all their local produce and Coorinja Winery for the seriously stunning venue.
The chamber also thanks Anthea Brown and Helen Shanks who have worked with the participants for several months to bring this exciting event to reality.
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To meet the criteria for inclusion on the trail the participants were required to have 80 per cent of their product made or produced locally.
Our amazing participants are Esslemont Olive Estate, Julimar Date Garden, Toodyay Bakery, The Meat Hook Toodyay, Uniquely Toodyay, Coorinja Winery and DromeDairy Body and Skin (Toodyay camel farmer Max Bergman pictured above).
There has been a lot of interest and it is expected that the event may grow over time as additional producers become ‘trail ready’.
The trail is a self-drive journey and part of several state-wide trails initiated by Tourism WA.
Along the Toodyay trail, you will meet the seven participating growers and producers of dates, olive oil, wine, breads, pastured meats and condiments to fill your picnic basket along with a camel experience.
Some participants on the trail are by appointment only and only operate seasonally, so please check the details in the guide and always call first in these instances.
The guide is available at and can be obtained from the Toodyay Visitor Centre and several outlets in Toodyay, as well as further afield in neighbouring shires.
So start spreading the word on #ToodyayFoodAndPicnicTrail.
The trail can be experienced in half a day, a whole day or be enjoyed over a few days, or perhaps take the AvonLink or MerredinLink service and book a local transport service through Lifelong Learning Tours, The Miners Run or Avon Valley Trike Tours.
We encourage visitors to stay a while at one of the many accommodation services in town and surrounding bushland.
Historic Toodyay is a unique country experience an hour’s drive from Perth in the Avon Valley known for its parks, wildflowers, nature reserves, natural bushland and riverside areas.
The trail provides the opportunity to explore this ‘hidden country gem’ right on Perth’s doorstep.
Thanks also to SkyworksWA who took footage of the event and participants for future promotional usage.
If you would like more information about Toodyay (history, exploring the area, where to stay etc.) contact the Toodyay Visitors Centre or check out their website