Lions eat Bulldogs and Blues in foot season opener

Toodyay Football Club May 2024 Update
by Patrick Thompson

THE SEASON opener for the Toodyay Football Club was a success with both league and reserves recording two wins from two games.

First up was an away match to Dalwallinu on April 13.

The reserves match was a see-sawing affair with both sides kicking a run of goals as momentum swung.

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Local cat law kicked down road

AT LAST month’s council meeting elected members voted on adopting the Shire of Toodyay Cat Local Law 2024. The officer’s recommendation was that council adopt the law the purpose of which is to improve the permit conditions, definitions of nuisance behaviour, modification of penalties, and to continue to provide the Shire of Toodyay with measures in addition to those under the Cat Act 2011 to control the keeping of cats.

The matter was debated with Cr Madacsi proposing an alternate motion that the item be deferred because due to other pressing matters the local laws had not been given enough attention.

The officers recommendation was not supported and Cr Madacsi’s alternate motion was endorsed,7-0.

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Black Dog One-Dayer roars through Avon Valley

THE BLACK Dog Ride ‘One-Dayer’ is an annual one-day motorcycle ride held in more than 50 communities across Australia on Sunday 17 March 2024.

The local One-Dayer is called the Avon Valley Black Dog Ride and saw 71 riders meet at the Mount Helena Tavern before departing for a leisurely meander through valley back roads.

After a brief leg stretch at the Grass Valley Tavern the two-and-a-half-hour ride finished in Toodyay – with the total ride distance being 160km.

Riders, support crew, locals and dignitaries including State Opposition Leader and local MP, Shane Love, then enjoyed an afternoon of chat and camaraderie for a lunch, cooked by Toodyay Locals Care, and post ride refreshments at the Toodyay Club.

The Avon Valley One-Dayer, after a pause for a few years, has been back and running
Black Dog One-Dayer roars through Avon Valley since 2020.

Local ride coordinator, Wes Sutton, said, “After I signed up for the One-Dayer in 2018 and discovered the Avon Valley ride wasn’t operating, I attended the Baldivis ride for a couple of years as it was the only ride out of Perth at the time.

“Recognising the need for a ride to accommodate those living in the eastern and northern suburbs, I approached Black Dog Ride and took on the role of Avon Valley coordinator.”

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Shire case into alleged breaches adjourned until May

THE CASE alleging the Shire of Toodyay has breached the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972 was adjourned last month.

The matter is now listed for May 6 at the Northam Magistrates Court. This is the second time the case has been adjourned, the original listing being February 26.

The shire case relates to contracted works done in early 2023 to repair crossings on Toodyay Brook at Picnic Hill and Glendearg Road, as well as the Boyagerring Brook
crossing near the Toodyay District High School.

The shire faces a fine of $50,000 if the allegations are proven.

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Temporary Shire CEO appointed

SHIRE of Toodyay council in a special meeting in chambers on March 13 voted on a resolution to appoint a temporary CEO.

The unanimous decision by council was to appoint Tabitha Bateman, Executive Manager Corporate and Community Services, as Acting CEO until a permanent CEO is recruited.

Council minutes from the meeting state the “recruitment process for a CEO will take some time” – hence Ms Bateman’s appointment.

The current CEO, Suzie Haslehurst, commenced sick leave on the February 21 and leaves her role on April 9. Her departure is to be by Deed of Release with the agreed settlement amount being undisclosed.

CEO and Toodyay shire to part ways early (March 2024 edition)

SHIRE of Toodyay CEO, Suzie Haslehurst, will be leaving her role on April 9 – almost three months before her contract was to expire.

This early exit follows her commencing sick leave on February 21.

Ms Haslehurst states she will not be returning to her CEO role and added that “it’s been a challenging and rewarding time at the Shire”.

While absent from her CEO duties, she remains employed by the shire and an Acting CEO will be nominated from the executive management team.

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Number crunching the perfect barbecue snaggers

SNAGMETRICS refers to the number crunching Mr Perfect does at the end of each year.

And the numbers are in for 2023 – Mr Perfect had 4,128 blokes attend a BBQ – across Australia and the local BBQ saw 60 at Duidgee Park for the monthly meetups last year.

That’s a lot of snags eaten – in fact, the snag-counters at Mr Perfect HQ estimate 6,192 snags were chomped at the 313 BBQs hosted in 2023.

So, the Aussie BBQ is pretty popular; however, did you know that the term ‘barbecue’ has its origin in Central America?

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A wickingly happy story

LOCAL MAN Josh van Helsdingen has a hobby of building and installing wicking beds.

For readers unfamiliar with what a wicking bed is, imagine a giant ‘self watering pot’ in the form of a garden bed.

This waterwise garden innovation uses 50 per cent less water than traditional irrigation as there is less evaporation compared to top watered methods.

The basic idea is a garden bed designed to draw water up from a reservoir below – so ‘wicking’ up through the soil to the roots.

Hearing that the community group Toodyay Locals Care was planning to install a community garden behind their premises at 20 Fiennes Street, Mr van Helsdingen gave group founder Roz Davidson a call and offered to donate one of his wicking beds.

The offer was accepted and on March 2 he duly delivered a wicking bed to TLC.

Not only was the waterwise garden bed delivered – it was fully installed with all the additional kit to ensure a healthy growth of vegetables.

Ms Davidson said that the community would benefit from the wicking bed – the first of three.


Lack of feral control puts Julimar fauna at risk

Julimar Conservation and Forest Alliance (JCFA)
By Sharon Richards

JULIMAR Forest has an interesting history of being home to a number of iconic Western Australian small mammal species.

This historically includes the numbat, and currently the Western Quoll (Chuditch – picture to left), the Woylie, Brushtail Possum, Black Flanked Wallaby, Quenda and Bandicoots.

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