Cheers to a memorable day

THE WOOD Family of Coorinja Winery is grateful for all the support we received for our Celebrating a Centenary Open Day.

Thank you to everyone who attended and shared the day with us, making it such a memorable occasion for Coorinja.

Coorinja Winery

Cancer support appreciated

THANKS for the article in last month’s Herald about the new Cancer Supportive Centre at Fiona Stanley Hospital.

It was much appreciated.

Melissa Pickering
Cancer Council WA

Deaf, blind or what?

SHIRE councillors voted 6-2 to raise shire rates by 2.5 per cent from 1 July 2019.

Without transparency, this increase is unsupported, contravenes information to the public and lacks acumen by all parties who voted for this increase, especially in light of last year’s increase and as revenues from that are apparently unaccounted for.

Question 1: Where do the inflowing revenues go? What is the spending scheme? When will we be given believable transparency of shire spending?

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Dr Monika Zechetmayr

Essential reading

LOCAL government has always been troubled by some councillors having agendas which don’t always have the good of the community in mind.

The responsibility of councillors is not to be taken lightly and those who work hard in the community’s interest should be appreciated.

However the culture of secrecy allows some dubious decision making.

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Kelvin Hutcheson

‘Silent majority’ misinformed

LAST month’s Herald letter from the Frayne family claiming to represent a silent majority needs some clarification for the silent minority.

The letter’s claim about the “dedication of our volunteer councillors” is not correct.

All councillors in WA – except those who opt out – receive a monthly payment.

Lists of payments published online show that the Toodyay Shire President gets paid $3450 a month, the Deputy President gets paid $1599 a month and the remaining seven councillors each get paid $1180 a month.

So, as anyone can see, there are no “volunteer councillors” in Toodyay.

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Graeme Buchanan

Proper, fearless newspaper

I THINK it was the New York Times newspaper that coined the phrase ‘All the news that’s fit to print’, and that’s exactly what The Toodyay Herald does.

I’m sick of people saying the paper is bringing our town into disrepute.

Just read it – every page has a positive story about local people and local community and sporting groups.

It’s simply a great place to live.

I send copies of to friends in Perth and interstate and get nothing but positive feedback.

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The Badger (Richard Hazlewood)

Keeping buyers informed

I AM INTRIGUED by local real estate agent Tony Maddox’s request that The Herald “stop the negative comments in the paper”.

Surely industry standards require prospective buyers to be informed about important sales factors such as shire rate increases, a formal State Government inquiry and turmoil in council ranks?

Why then ask that The Herald shield readers from that information?

Kerry Gregory
Dewars Pool

A child’s plea – stop rubbish

WHY DO people put rubbish on the road?

I saw a man who was sad who didn’t like picking up your rubbish.

It is pollution, and I was mad and didn’t like it.

Dear people stop putting rubbish on the ground.

I do not like it. People please gather around and stop it.

Age 5, name and address withheld

Bridging the gap

WELL done Shire of Toodyay for resolving the issues of the Duke Street Bridge after so many years of neglect by successive State Governments.

As one of the workforce which put the railway through the town, I appreciate what an important concession the bridge was in the matter of bisecting the town.

It heartens me that the bridge will soon be available for the local people and Toodyay visitors.

Alf Campbell

Hospital transport bouquet

I WOULD just like to say thank you to the new St John Community Transport Service when I recently had to travel every weekday for six weeks to the QEII (Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital) for radiation treatment.

Every day a driver would take me to the hospital and wait while I had treatment.

Sometimes this was 10 minutes but sometimes an hour.

I had not worked out how I was going to get to Perth every day, then I remembered this new service and I was most impressed.

I called in to the sub-centre and made an early booking, so it was all easily organised.

Thank you to the drivers and all involved.

Warren Hall

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