How’s the serenity?

COUNTRY cacophony indeed (July Letters).

“How’s the serenity?”

I hope I’m not the only one old enough to remember that line from the great Australian cinematographic masterpiece, The Castle (1997).

Like Darryl Kerrigan in the movie, we bought our dream forest block in Julimar in 2015.

Since then, we have built our beautiful retreat and have spent many blissful hours with friends and family listening to the birds chirping, watching the red-tailed black cockatoos nest in the eucalypts and melaleucas, and following the spring growth, whole families of echidnas, emus, wallabies, kangaroos and endangered spotted western quolls in their natural habitat on our property.

However, that has all been threatened with the arrival of Chalice Mining.

Now we have ruined roads and drilling rigs less than a kilometre from our gate.

The rigs drill night and day, their planes fly directly overhead and their numerous employees gouge huge ruts in our gravel roads.

How’s your serenity, Chalice?

Kirsten Lambert