Western Power disconnects ‘unsafe’ street cameras installed without permission by former shire CEO

Michael Sinclair-Jones

STREET cameras guarding Toodyay’s central business district have been disconnected by Western Power because they are unsafe.

The electricity provider said the Shire of Toodyay had installed the video cameras on Western Power light poles (right) without obtaining the State electricity provider’s permission.

The town’s video security system is linked to multi-display screens at Toodyay Police Station that have been blank for months.

The shire bought and installed new hi-tech cameras three years ago using a $300,000 Federal grant to replaced older cameras that often didn’t work, causing ongoing frustration for local police and traders.

The security failure made state-wide news in August 2019 after an attempted car theft at Toodyay Autos in Stirling Terrace when there was no vision from a faulty shire camera mounted on a light pole directly across the road from the scene of the crime.

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