Six candidates vie for three council vacancies
THREE sitting councillors and a former shire deputy president are among six candidates contesting three seats at this month’s Toodyay Shire Council elections.
The former shire deputy president is Toodyay Race Club President John Prater.
The other candidates are Shire President Rosemary Madacsi, Shire Deputy President Beth Ruthven, Cr Susan Pearce and newcomers Ray Mills and Shelly Dival.
A postal ballot of all 3638 registered Toodyay electors opened on September 15.
The new council will meet soon after the poll closes on Saturday October 21 to hold a secret ballot in the council chamber to elect a shire president for the next two years.
The council agreed earlier this year reduce its size from nine to seven members.
Cr Phil Hart did not seek re-election to the smaller council.