Shock decision to close Showgrounds bar

Rafter support beams sag under the weight of Toodyay Showgrounds bar roof.

By Michael Sinclair-Jones

DRINKS at this year’s Toodyay Agricultural Show are likely to be served from a temporary tent because the historic Showgrounds bar has been declared too dangerous to use.

Roof supports are sagging, termites have eaten the floor (pictured left) and strong winds threaten to collapse the rotted timber-framed structure.

The dilapidated shire-owned terrace bar was due to be demolished after last year’s Show but was still standing last month.

When the Toodyay Agricultural Society asked if it could be used again this year, the shire’s insurers said it was too great risk.

Councillors voted 7-1 in a shock move last month to “deconstruct” the building only two months before this year’s October 7 event.

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