Shire gets State tick of approval

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THE STATE Government has commended Toodyay’s new council for its response to 23 adverse findings tabled in the WA Parliament last year after a 20-month formal inquiry.

The findings detailed seven years of civic dysfunction that cost Toodyay ratepayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in unlawful spending, futile court cases, unethical conduct and conflicts of interest.

Investigators found that former Toodyay civic leaders failed to properly manage a previous CEO whose contract was terminated by a majority of new councillors after he took three months’ extended sick leave on the morning of a council meeting early last year.

WA Local Government Director General Lanie Chopping said the findings “were distressing to residents and ratepayers”.

She said she was “confident that the shire can restore good governance” through reforms submitted to the State Government for departmental approval.

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