Picnic Race Day ‘on-track’to be a winner
Toodyay Race Club
Stephen Ferguson, Chairman
WE ATTRACTED 6500 people to the Club’s 150th anniversary meet in 2015, and will
perhaps exceed 7000 this year.
All 20 bays in the long marquee sold early and demand for smaller 3 x 3 and 6 x 3
marquees is very strong.
The track looks amazing after a little rain, and I would personally like to thank Racing
WA for aerating the track in preparation for us to seed it with ryegrass.
We have recently seeded the track and I request locals who exercise their dogs at the
course to please use the area in the middle so the track lawn can grow.
We have removed the inside running rail in preparation for the replacement with new,
safer plastic rails which is being funded and carried out by RWWA.
Adding to the overall appearance of the course, and enhancing the jockey safety,
we have replaced a couple of sections of damaged outside running rail.
The committee and I would like to thank the supporters who have given freely of their
time and professional services to ensure we keep to the tight schedule for race day.
Last month we started on the makeover of the Livery Restaurant by painting the
surrounding railings and oiling the deck.
Picnic Race Day ‘on-track’to be a winner New curtains have been sewn and are ready
for hanging, but the Livery is still a work in progress with lots more to do.
Two other major projects have been completed.
The Tote building under the main roof has now been demolished and the area cleared to allow TABTouch to bring in the mobile betting caravan.
The inside track area has now been cleared with the Volunteer BFB completing the task
of burning the heaps of debris which was postponed because of unfavourable weather.
The committee still has a lot of hardwork leading up to race day to ensure that Toodyay stands out as the most attractive and picturesque country track in WA.
I have left the most exciting news to last.
We have now erected the safety isolation fencing around the Tote and Bar area so that
work can begin on removing the old roof and installing the new one.
Weather permitting work is scheduled to start on June 26 and be completed by the end
of July, and I thank the shire council for its foresight in funding this project.
If you would like to enquire about club membership, sponsorship opportunities or
any other race day matter, contact our club secretary, Brooke on 0468 685 425.
Like us on Facebook and Instagram @toodyayraceclub.