PERTH COVID-19 infections increased by 15 per cent last month while new Wheatbelt cases continued to rise at a much slower rate.
Several Toodyay residents reported falling ill in November – some worse than others – but weekly infections across the Wheatbelt increased by only one to 147 new cases in the seven days ending November 20.
WA Health Department figures showed that Perth case numbers rose by 1111 to 9490 – a 15 per cent increase over the same period.
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A ‘fourth wave’ of the virus is expected to peak across Australia this month but be shorter and less severe than previously.
There were 75 new WA hospital admissions – including one directly into intensive care – during the seven-day period, and 14 people aged 75-99 died.
The Wheatbelt infection rate for same period was 193 per 100,000 people, compared with 381 in the city.
Re-infections accounted for 16 per cent of all new cases overall, compared with 13 per cent the previous week.
State health officials said only a third of all West Australians had received a recommended fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.