A workman (right) installs a new shire video security camera near the Victoria Hotel.
A NEW video security upgrade costing more than $300,000 is expected to become operational in Toodyay this month.
New monitors at Toodyay Police Station will enable 24-hour surveillance of the town’s approach roads, public spaces and main business and shopping areas.
A new network of 41 cameras owned and operated by the Shire of Toodyay will more than double the capacity of the old network, which has been dismantled.
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The upgrade will address the concerns of local business owners who complained in August that none of the old shire-owned cameras were working because a central computer server had not been repaired or replaced after breaking down several weeks earlier.
A shire spokesperson said the upgrade included installation of new five-metre ‘break back’ poles (enabling mounted equipment to be lowered to the ground).
The old camera and wireless links were being replaced with newly designed ‘end-to-end’ wireless links between each device and a central controller.
The system was being tested earlier this month before being handed over to the shire.
The shire had secured a $300,000 grant to fund the project, which was a partnership between the shire, local police, Telstra and local community organisation Safer Toodyay (formerly Toodyay Community Safety and Crime Prevention Association).