A POLITICAL party that proposes to hang Australian prime ministers for treason and jail judges for life is attracting support from Toodyay residents who oppose Covid-19 vaccinations.
Mr Bosi, who describes himself as a former Australian Army special forces (SAS) lieutenant colonel, said he would reinstate capital punishment for treason and use sedition laws to jail Australian judges, military chiefs and bureaucrats for life without parole.
“All the portraits of the traitorous prime ministers will have big red stencilled letters across them saying ‘hung for treason, hung for treason jailed for sedition or whatever,” Mr Bosi “promised” in his video.
“We will leave them up as an object lesson for kids when they visit Australian Parliament House that the people control this nation, not the Chinese Communist Party, not the billionaires, but Jacko and Narelle in a ute with an oversized Australian flag saying ‘get stuffed, this is our country, not yours.”
When asked if there was enough rope, Mr Bosi said “given the size of some of those politicians, we’re going to have to borrow an arrester cable from a US aircraft carrier, so we’ll do it.”
Mr Bosi stood unsuccessfully for a Queensland Senate seat in 2019.
He said Australia’s military chiefs were cowards and – if found guilty of sedition – “I’m gonna hang ya”.
Australia’s leaders would face public “Nuremberg II” trials and “punished if found guilty, as will the media – it will be a ripper.”
Mr Bosi described Masonic Lodges as a “satanic blood cult” and claimed Australian babies were being aborted at birth in five out of six states and sold as “medical waste”, for which “doctors should be hung”.
On Australia’s relations with China and Indonesia, Mr Bosi said “we have to intimidate our neighbours militarily so they will be nice to us” – Russian President Vladimir Putin would be “a friend”.
A flyer for this month’s branch meeting in Toodyay called it a ‘casual get together’.
“It is not a recruitment drive, rather the building of a local support network to see us through the anticipated next round of challenges,” the flyer said.
“We have made great connections with many like-minded people looking for support and information in our community.
“You are not alone – there are more of us than you think.”
The flyer provided no names or contact details for local organisers.
The meeting was addressed by Yallingup “life coach” Ken Robshaw, who introduced himself as a “hypnotist and mentalist”.
Mr Robshaw’s website says he uses “mentalism and hypnosis” for “Recruiting, Educating and Motivating the Right people”.
“Ken’s amazing skills (he uses a unique combination of Hypnotherapy, Mentalism, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Personality Profiling and Pyscho-Cybernetics) enable him to access your subsconsious (sic) mind,” the website says.
Mr Robshaw told people at the Toodyay meeting that a global “battle for minds” was being fought in World War III in Australia.
He urged those present to make an extra effort to attend Perth “freedom rallies” to avoid later regrets that they didn’t take part.
AustraliaOne organisers said next day they were not authorised to speak to the media.
The party website has no contact numbers.