It’s coming – our new pool is on the way

ABOVE: Frame of Toodyay’s new swimming pool entry, changerooms and administration centre (foreground), and new multi-purpose function centre behind. BOTTOM: Hole being dug for 25m pool.

WORK is well underway on Toodyay’s new $14 million Sport and Recreation Precinct, including a new 25m public swimming pool due to open by the end of this year.

The project has required heavy earthworks and blasting at the 14ha site behind Toodyay District High School.

The sport precinct consists of an eight-lane pool and aquatic centre, playing areas for hockey, rugby, soccer, netball, basketball and tennis, a multi-purpose function centre, kiosk and changerooms, and a parking area.

The shire has borrowed $4.5 million to fund the project and the rest will be paid by State and Federal grants, shire savings and budget allocations over the next three years.