Embattled residents face Julimar moonscape

Chalice Mining’s worksite at 229 Keating Road where the company has announced plans to create a massive open-cut mine measuring nearly two kilometres across, 1.5km wide and more than half a kilometre deep on a scale similar the world-famous Kalgoorlie Superpit.

By concerned local residents*

IF YOU were to believe Chalice Mining’s marketing hype about its latest discovery of palladium in Julimar and its “world class”, “low impact” and “leading exploration techniques that recognise environmental sensitivities,” you could be forgiven for thinking it’s the next lean green cure for the state’s climate and cash-flow woes.

Until, that is, you ask the local residents like us who live on the doorstep of this planned behemoth.

Chalice Mining’s public relations strategy trumpets “community engagement” as one of its “top priorities”.

Well, we the residents beg to differ.

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*Names and addresses supplied.