Dramatic near-miss in wet and wild Avon Descent river race
Super Chute near miss – Photo: Clive Millett.
A WEEK of torrential rain and surging rapids resulted in a dramatic near-miss (above) at a popular spectator point on Day Two of last month’s annual Avon Descent river race through Toodyay.
A powerboat came speeding around a tight bend toward the aptly-named ‘Super Chute’ rapids just past the Cobbler Pool overnight campsite a few minutes after noon when the driver lost control of the two-man craft.
Its metal hull appeared to leap out of the water onto rocks covered with spectators, narrowly missing a child who was snatched to safety from the airborne boat as others backed away to avoid being hit.
The boat then slid sideways back into the river, tipping out the lead crew member into the fast-flowing torrent.
He was able to scramble back on board a short distance downstream without further mishap to resume the race.
Nobody appeared to be hurt in the incident and no injuries were reported at the scene.