Councillors argue over pay cut

Toodyay’s new shire council (above) at its first meeting last October: President Bill Manning (top table, second from right) next to Deputy President Rosemary Madacsi. Front table, from left: Crs Susan Pearce, Phil Hart, Beth Ruthven, Brian Rayner, Ben Bell and Therese Chitty (Cr Paula Greenway absent on approved leave). Executive Assistant Maria Rebane and Shire CEO Stan Scott are seated next to President Manning.

By Michael Sinclair-Jones

TOODYAY shire councillors have voted to cut their pay by 2.2 per cent after a heated debate last month about whether they should be paid more money.

Councillors voted 6-3 to receive 75 per cent of the maximum State Government allowance for meeting fees and cut the allowance for shire president and deputy to 60 per cent of the State maximum rate.

The decision was opposed by Deputy President Rosemary Madacsi, and Crs Phil Hart and Susan Pearce.

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