Council picks City of Perth commissioner for review

By Michael Sinclair-Jones

A FORMER City of Perth commissioner has been selected by the Toodyay Shire Council to conduct a formal governance review of the Shire of Toodyay.

The independent review was recommended by a year-long State Government inquiry into the operations and affairs of the scandal-plagued former Toodyay council and its disgraced former CEO.

The new council last month selected Perth specialist management consultants Hammond Woodhouse Advisory to conduct the review.

Principal Consultant Andrew Hammond (left) is a former CEO for the shires of Nannup and Wyndham East Kimberley, and the cities of Albany and Rockingham.

His company’s website describes Mr Hammond as the “principal systems architect and author of the integrated community strategic plans for the Cities of Albany, Rockingham and Perth”.

He was appointed by the State Government in 2018 as a commissioner “to restore good governance to the suspended City of Perth”.

He “led the City until the election of the new Lord Mayor in October 2020”.

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