Brrrr, it’s cold, but local crops survive frost as Ukraine War drives up prices

LAST month’s cold snap is shown in this Nunile canola crop which was fortunately still too young to suffer any frost damage. Local farmers are watching Russia’s war in Ukraine as attacks on Black Sea ports drive up grain prices. Photo: Frank Panizza.

Frost, fog of war clouds outlook for local farmers

Toodyay Agricultural Alliance
By Frank Panizza

COOL and miserable weather continued to dominate local conditions last month.
Many farmers and residents have complained that this is one of the coldest Toodyay winters for many years.

Crops and pastures are still slow-growing and will continue to be sluggish until warmer days arrive in Spring.

Widespread frost – some on consecutive days – have dried local pastures.

It is unlikely to have harmed local crops because the frosts are too early so far to have caused any harm.

However, if frosts continue into next month’s critical period during flowering and grain development, they can cause extensive damage.

Grain markets have again been thrown into turmoil.

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