Rents rise as building boom overtakes census

By Michael Sinclair-Jones

TOODYAY’S recent housing sales boom appears to have overtaken latest Australian census results published last month.

The census partly pre-dates an influx of new home buyers after COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 prompted many city dwellers to move to country towns.

Population shifts across the nation were boosted by increased business reliance on home-based work using new high-speed internet connections not previously available in rural locations such as Toodyay.

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures published last month show that the number of dwellings in the Shire of Toodyay grew by only 12 since 2016, a figure disputed by some local real estate agents who report unprecedented local sales over the past year.

It also casts doubt on a reported shire population growth of 162 since 2016 to a total of 4601 last August.

Dozens of new family-sized homes are being built (pictured above) in Toodyay’s long-dormant River Hills estate near the town’s school and rents have skyrocketed in the past year due to increased demand for local housing.

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