Seat to remain vacant after councillor quits ahead of potential horror budget

AN ELECTION to replace former Toodyay Shire Cr Paula Greenway (left) who resigned at the end of April will be postponed until three other council seats fall vacant in October.

Last month’s council meeting also deferred discussing whether to cut the number of Toodyay councillors from nine to seven.

Cr Greenway’s surprise resignation citing “personal priorities, beliefs and morals” six months before her four-year term was due to expire in October leaves Toodyay’s remaining eight councillors with the task of finalising this month’s likely horror budget.

Shire President Rosemary Madacsi will hold a second casting vote to break 4-4 ties.

However, this won’t count for finance decisions such as budgets where State law requires the support of an absolute majority of at least five elected representatives in the normally nine-member council chamber.

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