500 attend Anzac Day Dawn Service
ABOUT 500 people braved a cool, misty morning last month to attend an Anzac Day Dawn Service at Toodyay’s Anzac Memorial Park.
Flags were lowered to half-mast as Coondle violinist Rupert Guenther performed The Last Post and Toodyay RSL President Max Howard read the Anzac Dedication.
The Dawn Service was followed by a Gunfire Breakfast served by the Toodyay Lions Club at the Wicklow Shearing Shed.
This was followed at 10.30am by the main Anzac Day Parade (above) from the Toodyay Memorial Hall to Anzac Memorial Park.
Toodyay Community Singers performed the Australian and New Zealand National Anthems, The Last Post was reprised on violin and an RAAF jet flew overhead.
Fewer veterans marched than in previous years, and police estimated that 250 people attended the mid-morning service.
Former Australian Army Capt. Wes Sutton, who is also the Shire of Toodyay Community Development Officer, delivered the main address.
He said World War Two veterans who formed the senior ranks of an older generation of RSL members on Anzac Day had been replaced by Vietnam War veterans and younger members.
The Parade and morning service were followed by drinks at the Toodyay Club.
Photos: RSL member Lou Kidd and Herald Editor Michael Sinclair-Jones.
Toodyay RSL President Max Howard reads the Dawn Service Anzac Dedication.
RSL members Bob Wood (front) and Geoff Brown read Toodyay war dead Honour Roll.
Coondle electric violinist Rupedrt Guenther performs Dawn Service Last Post.
Flags at half mast for the One Minute’s Silence.
Waiting in mist for Dawn Service to begin.
Queuing for traditional Gunfire Breakfast at Wicklow Shearing Shed.
Gunfire Breakfast served by Toodyay Lions Club members at Wicklow Shearing Shed.
Traditional Diggers’ tot of rum with hot tea at Gunfire Breakfast.
Anzac Parade marches up Harper Street to mid-morning service at Anzac Memorial Park.
The old and the bold – RSL veterans listen to mid-morning address.
Toodyay Vietnam War conscript Bruce Guthrie raises the flag.
Senior Fire and Emergency Services officer lays wreath.
Toodyay Shire Cr Charmeine Duri (front) and friend lay wreaths.
Lest we forget.
Former Australian Army Capt. Wes Sutton (Shire of Toodyay Community Development Officer) delivers main Anzac Day address.
RAAF aircraft displays stars of Australian Southern Cross in mid-morning fly-over.
Toodyay Community singers perform the National Anthem.
Coondle electric violinist Rupert Guenther reprises The Last Post at main service.
Toodyay RSL President Max Howard reflects on Anzac Day proceedings.
Wreaths at Alma Beard Medical Centre to honour slain Toodyay World War 2 army nurse.
RSL veterans raise a glass at the Toodyay Club to honour local comrades in arms.