300 attend Anzac Dawn Service

A BIGGER than usual gathering of about 300 people attended last month’s Toodyay Anzac Day Dawn Service.

A moving address by torchlight (left) was delivered by Toodyay Returned Services League President Lou Kidd.

Anzac Day commemorates the first World War 1 landings of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915.

They were sent ashore on the wrong beach by British generals who underestimated the Turkish opposition in a grinding campaign that cost thousands of lives on all sides.

Anzac Day also honours veterans from other wars, including marchers last month who served in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Two RAAF jets from Pearce airbase flew low over Toodyay during the 11am service.

Toodyay Anzac Day Parade

RAAF Anzac Day Service fly past.

Flags raised at the main Toodyay Anzac Day Service.